The MACU/Church of God Connection
The relationship between Mid-America Christian University and the Church of God began when the university was known as Gulf-Coast Bible College (GBC) and located in Houston, Texas.
In June of 1968, GBC became a general agency of the Church of God (Anderson, Ind.). As a result of this action, the university was granted representation on the Executive Council of the Church of God and full membership on the Commission on Higher Education of the Church of God.
Endorsed Agency of the Church of God (Anderson, Ind.)
In 1997, the General Assembly of the Church of God created a new ministry-based organization—Church of God Ministries. The General Assembly further identified two additional types of organizations with which to partner in national and international ministry: Endorsed Agencies and Affiliated Organizations.
Endorsed Agencies enter into covenantal relationships that commit them to follow the mission and priorities of the Church of God as established by the General Assembly.
An Endorsed Agency serves the church in a capacity not already addressed by Church of God Ministries.
While the mission of an Endorsed Agency clearly reflects the need for autonomy in polity and
governance, the General Assembly views its ministry as important in the life of the church, addressing needs of a vital constituency of the church.
An Endorsed Agency may be included in the unified World Ministries Budget of the Church of God, which is approved by the General Assembly.
The chief executive officer and governing boards of an Endorsed Agency are ratified by the General Assembly.
Should any Endorsed Agency experience dissolution, its assets revert to Church of God Ministries.