Deacon Alternative Pathway Certificate

The Deacon Alternative Pathway Certificate is a course of study designed and delivered from a Wesleyan perspective to meet the ordination requirements for individuals seeking to be a Deacon in the Global Methodist Church (GMC). It consists of Bible, theology, and pastoral ministry courses that align with the criteria set out by the Global Methodist Church Book of Discipline to meet the ordination requirements to become a Deacon.


BIOT 1103

Intro to the Old Testament

A general introduction to the background and history of the Hebrew people in the Old Testament period. This embraces the sacred writings, prophets, and culture of the Hebrew people against the historical, social, political, literary, economic, and religious background of humanity to the end of the Old Testament period. Offered every fall

BINT 1203

Intro to the New Testament

An introduction to the inter-testamental period to the beginnings of Christianity is surveyed. A survey of the content and meaning of each New Testament book is studied against the religious, literary, social, political, and economic background of the first century.

PMIN 3103

Homiletics I

The thrust of this course is a study of the fundamental principles of sermon preparation. The lives and works of renowned speakers are studied via video, audio, and printed texts. The emphasis is on analyzing the content, methods, and skills that have distinguished these noted speakers. The steps of learning from the text, interpreting a text, arriving at a message, and designing a sermon are followed in preparing the message. In addition, students would gain experience in preparing their sermons.

PMIN 4303

Leadership Formation

This course would introduce the student to basic leadership principles and methods. Students are exposed to various leadership styles. Students would understand the principles of a personal leadership style, vision, mission, and purpose. In addition, the student would examine the role of change, inspiration/motivation, and servant leadership.

THEO 4323

Teachings of Wesleyan-Arminian Theology

For centuries, John Wesley and Jacob Arminius’s teaching has shaped the interpretation and application of scripture concerning depravity, election, atonement, grace, and perseverance. Many mainline denominations and faith groups, including the Church of God Reformation Movement, have embraced these teachings. Students would explore theological tenants in light of Wesleyan-Arminian teachings and their application to Christian living.

PSYC 4323

Wesleyan Polity and Practices

This course will feature a study of the doctrine (from a Wesleyan perspective), polity (governance structure), and pastoral practices (including ordination and the sacraments) in the Methodist tradition as interpreted by the Global Methodist Church.

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