The Global Methodist (GM) Church officially endorses Mid-America Christian University (MACU) as a recommended educational institution for individuals residing outside of the United States and western Europe. This means that these persons can complete courses at MACU to satisfy the educational requirement for ordination as a deacon or elder in the GM Church!
As an endorsed agency of the Church of God (Anderson, Ind.), MACU and the GM Church align theologically, sharing the same values on the authority of Scripture, the Lordship of Christ, and a commitment to personal evangelism and discipleship.
MACU is the first educational institution recommended by the GM Church for persons pursuing ordination and residing outside of the U.S. and western Europe.
For more information, contact MACU Enrollment at at 888-888-2341 or email [email protected].

Ministry Courses at MACU
MACU offers accredited Christian Ministries courses at both the undergraduate and graduate level. Courses are available 100% online, making MACU the perfect option for individuals residing overseas who are seeking ordination in the GM Church.
Alternative Pathway Certificates
Deacon Alternative Pathway Certificate
The Deacon Alternative Pathway Certificate is a course of study designed and delivered from a Wesleyan perspective to meet the ordination requirements for individuals seeking to be a Deacon in the Global Methodist Church (GMC). It consists of Bible, theology, and pastoral ministry courses that align with the criteria set out by the Global Methodist Church Book of Discipline to meet the ordination requirements to become a Deacon.
Deacons must take at least six (6) core classes before ordination. These six (6) core classes would be:
BIOT 1103 Introduction to the Old Testament
BINT 1203 Introduction to the New Testament
PMIN 4393 Leadership Formation
PMIN 3103 Homiletics I
THEO 4323 Teachings of Wesleyan-Arminian Theology
PMIN 4323 Wesleyan Polity and Practices
Once Deacons are ordained, they must take five (5) additional electives. They can select from the following courses:
PMIN 4623 Spiritual and Congregational Care
PMIN 3713 Workshop in Pastoral Ministry
PMIN 3023 World Religions and Heretical Movements
PMIN 3123 Evangelism and Discipleship
THEO 3813 Judeo-Christian Ethics
PMIN 2603 Christian Education and Discipleship
PMIN 4233 Nonprofit and American Church Law
BINT 2103 Basic Principles of Inductive Bible Study
Elder Alternative Pathway Certificate
The Elder Alternative Pathway Certificate is a course of study designed and delivered from a Wesleyan perspective to meet the ordination requirements for individuals seeking to be a Elder in the Global Methodist Church (GMC). It consists of Bible, theology, and pastoral ministry courses that align with the criteria set out by the Global Methodist Church Book of Discipline to meet the ordination requirements to become an Elder.
The core courses for the Elder certificate include:
BINT 3703 History of Christian Thought I
BINT 3803 History of Christian Thought II
PMIN 4233 Nonprofit and American Church Law
THEO 2303 Introduction to Christian Theology
BIOT 3613 Hebrew Wisdom Literature
BINT 3303 Romans
Once the Elder candidate is ordained, they must complete four (4) elective courses within seven (7) years of ordination. They can select from the following courses:
THEO 3603 Spiritual Formation and Ministry
THEO 3404 Person and Work of the Holy Spirit
PHIL 2103 Introduction to Philosophy and Ethics
BINT 3103 Synoptic Gospels
COMM 2803 Multimedia Storytelling
COMM 2143 Digital Media Literacy